Tamara Hill

Tammy Hill is passionate about strengthening families! She serves as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at the Marriage Clinic of Utah one day a week, and teaches marriage courses for the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University two days a week. Although she finds her professional career very fulfilling, her life within the home, as both wife and mother, is her first priority. It’s not easy!

Tammy is mother to twelve biological, adopted, and stepchildren. It is rewarding but challenging. Like Dory, in the film Finding Nemo, she frequently encourages herself by saying, “Just keep swimming!” Tammy tries to focus on nurturing relationships by regularly spending one-on-one time playing or exercising with family members while conducting her famous life “check-ins!” She enjoys romantic getaways with her husband, being in the sunshine, playing sports and games, painting ceramics, and watching good movies while eating buttered popcorn.